Naughty Irish Imp

Monday, February 23, 2015
Letting Go
February 23rd, 2015
"Tomorrows freedom is found in today's surrender.
When I let go, I can live fully."
It did not come easily for me. Surrender. Submission. Oh I wanted it, but on my terms and under my micromanagement. :)
I had to learn to truly let go. Let go of the control I *thought* I had over my life, in actuality I had very little. I had to stop forcing my own will onto reality, it was a losing battle. I had to truly understand that there are things in life of which I have zero control, and those things I needed to accept.......with grace (my Daddy Dom's addendum).
It wasn't easy. Actually for the longest time it was pure hell for me. I *needed* control. I *needed* power. Without either, I felt too vulnerable. My tough girl façade had no allocation for the feelings of fear, helplessness, weakness.
I am far from perfect. I am still learning. But, I am no longer grasping at every ounce of control with a white-knuckled fist. I am okay with selective surrender. I am learning to truly love and bask in my unquestioned submission.
I know he will take care of me. I know I am not alone. I know my trust is well-placed. I know he will test my limits and deliver me safely to the other side.
I have found no freedom more rewarding than unabashed acquiescence and complete submission to this man.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
February 22nd, 2015
Funny, isn't it?
The most basic and simple of praises from his lips can make me melt.
"Good girl."
From anyone else that phrase might seem almost condescending. As if I were a small child or a Yorkshire terrier who sat when directed. :)
But from *Him*, it is a welcome and coveted statement.
From my Dom, this is music to my ears.
Simple. Poignant. Entrancing. Euphoric.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
For His Pleasure
February 18th, 2015
I saw my Daddy Dom on Monday of this week. We hadn't seen one another since before Christmas, so it was L-O-N-G overdue. I only had one entry on my PL to be punished for and it wasn't a major offense or anything, but we addressed it none the less, along with several other "reminders" (as Daddy called them) to keep me on track and behaving like the angelic little Daddy's girl that I am. :)
It felt so amazing to be wrapped up in his arms. He felt amazing. He sounded amazing. He smelt amazing. God had I missed this man.
The scheduling was a fiasco and he ended up driving 45 minutes out of his way to come to me, even picking me up, which was incredibly sweet. I fought the entire 15 minute drive to our destination not to attack him in the car. I hadn't seen him in several weeks and I was right beside him but unable to wrap myself around about a test of patience. :)
It was snowing and still bitter cold, but I opted for a short skirt and heels because I know he enjoys it. After spending several hours together talking, spanking, laughing, and just being together we finally had to leave.....far too soon for my liking, but then again I always feel that way. :) As we were bundling up to go back out into the cold, he noted my attire and thanked me. :)
"You must be freezing. I mean I absolutely appreciate it, but you've got to be so cold. That is sacrifice."
I smiled up at him and responded,
"Sacrifice, submission, whatever you'd like to call it.......I just prioritize your pleasure over my's kind of part of our dynamic, Daddy.......and I actually sort of love it."
He smiled and enveloped me in another tight embrace.
Ahhh.......a relaxing day with my favorite man in the world, a nice tender red bottom, and his verbal acknowledgement of my efforts to please him.......Blissful way to start the week!
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Temptation & Boundaries
February 15th, 2015
Temptation can be a bad thing. My handbag addiction comes to mind :) Or the frequent temptation to run my naughty mouth. Temptation can certainly bite you in the ass, but it is not always bad.
Most normal, healthy people set boundaries for themselves and/or their relationships. It's simply how the world works. We all need and crave boundaries, self-imposed or otherwise.
But should your boundaries be set in stone?
Is there room for negotiation?
Are you adventurous enough to explore the lines of those limits?
I tend to be the kind of girl who constantly revises my boundary list. Not foolishly, but analytically. I simply don't want to look back on my life and have regrets. I want to explore, to experiment, to grow, to change, to experience the adrenaline producing moments that take my breath away.
Simply stated, I want to live.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Mushy Stuff
February 14th, 2015
For the majority of the planet, today is a holiday, of sorts. Well, at least for the romantic at heart. It is of course Valentine's Day.
By 9am this morning most retailers were flooded with husbands, boyfriends and significant others rushing to get something for the lady in their life in hopes of getting laid later on. :)
And there is certainly no shortage of ideas for the guys shopping for their girl today.
Obviously the card is a given. Who better than Hallmark to express your deepest love, emotion and affection.
Flowers, roses in particular, were murdered in droves over the last couple weeks in preparation for this day.
For the girls who don't care for flowers, or have allergies, a balloon bouquet is a sweet alternative.
You could give her an adorable stuffed animal to cuddle when you're not there to keep her warm. Whether she is 4 or 94, women loves stuffed animals.
Chocolate is almost always a safe bet! And the fact that it is sold in velvet heart shaped boxes is a mushy little bonus.
Some guys will get their girl her favorite fragrance. Other practical gifts for the holiday include candles, handbags, spa gift certificates, etc. All likely to be appreciated.
Those of you who really want to score, or maybe are celebrating your first Valentine's Day married will want to buy her something that sparkles. Diamonds are in deed a woman's best friend.
Some of you may have a dense or self-centered girl so you'll want to get a gift that reminds her to uphold her end of the bargain later tonight after the candle-lit dinner. Lingerie is a great idea.
Then of course, there are the girls like me who view this holiday as just another day on the calendar. For us, the only red we care to see today are those lovingly applied marks on our naughty bare bottoms. :)
Happy Valentine's Day!
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Spot On
February 11th, 2015
I saw this whilst browsing today and absolutely loved it.
I am not certain a more accurate statement has ever been made.
There are literally dozens of people toward which you could conceivably have a strong physical attraction. We all have a "type" as far as what we find appealing. And even those with very specific tastes, are bound to see many people who fit their mold in this department.
A mental attraction is an entirely separate ball game; and in my own personal opinion, far more valuable. If you're being honest with yourself, most people don't even truly know the 'real you'......sure they know you, but they know the 'public you', the 'professional you', the 'perfected for public scrutiny you'.......rarely do we let down our guards and invite random people into meet, court, understand and truly know the 'real' us.
The answer is actually probably rooted in our own insecurities. We know the real us......every flaw, every issue, every imperfection. Even the most confident of human beings has a 'private self' versus a 'public self.' It is an innate self defense mechanism. We don't host walk throughs or open houses of the 'private self' because even if we've grown and learned not to be too self conscious about our flaws, we certainly don't want random people throwing them in our faces.
If you are honest with yourself and truly think about it, you've probably shown the 'real you' to a very limited number of people. Some spouses, parents, best friends, significant others, etc don't ever truly know the 'real' person.
When we do let down every defense and open ourselves up on a level that deep it is often only to those you love and know you can trust. Some people trust far easier than others, but even the most naïve of human beings prioritizes some level of self preservation and is cautious as to who enters this select group.
Connecting with someone physically is great but not enough, not sustainable. The physicality will inevitably change. We aren't all young and gorgeous forever; though as my 30th birthday approaches later this year I am still hopeful. :)
A mental connection is absolutely where the magic happens. It doesn't take much effort to stimulate a body, hell I have battery operated toys that do an amazing job of that! :) But to stimulate a mind, to truly intrigue ones' mental self, to connect on that intimate level is a feat some never experience.
When you have someone who understands the 'real you', and loves you anyway, you've got it made.
Someone who knows each flaw and embraces them as your 'cute quirks' or extends themselves to support you in changing those flaws and bettering yourself.
Someone who you could talk to for hours or simply sit in dead silence with and be content.
Someone you don't have to explain the root cause of each emotion to because they know you on the deepest of levels and fully understand what makes you tick.
Someone who finishes your thoughts, as if they could read your mind, because often times, they can.
Someone who rarely asks "are you okay?" because they know by the look on your face, the expressions you make, your body language.
Someone who challenges you, inspires you, drives you.
Someone who can tap into your emotions, your intellect, your inner self.
A person who knows you inside and out, possibly better than you do yourself. That is a rare and beautiful thing.
Some of us will never have this.
Others will be lucky enough to find it but may lose it before ever realizing the phenomena it is due to insecurity, "young & dumb syndrome", fear, etc.
The luckiest of us will find this connection, embrace it, nurture it and grow.....fully realizing the value of this level of intimacy......and they will cherish a life and a love fulfilled.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Snow Snow, Go Away
February 8th, 2015
So the corner of this country that I inhabit has been quite literally pummeled with snow in the last 2 weeks. Living up here in New England, I am not a whiner when it comes to winter precipitation. But enough is enough.
Our winter started off mild enough. A few passing flurries and lots of cold; no big deal. Then came storm #1......a historic blizzard that dumped 4-6 foot on the region in under 36 hours. As we began to tunnel out from that we were hit again with another 18-36 inches. Living in large cities, there is literally nowhere for that snow to go. Now after 4 days of relative calm, we are getting slammed with yet another 2 feet in the next 24 hours! Ughhh.
I am so over the snow this year!
There are of course many different ways to stay warm in such weather, something to suit just about every taste.
Some girls prefer a nice, long workout. Cardio gets the blood pumping and is sure to warm the body.
A fuzzy, fleece blanket to cuddle up under is especially effective. You can vary this one to your tastes.....add a cuddly puppy, furry slippers, or a partner for additional heat.
A seasonal favorite: a nice warm cup of hot cocoa (or coffee.....Mama Suzi). Warms your hands, smells amazing and warms you from the inside out as it is consumed.
A toasty fireplace has appeal. The flickering light of the embers dancing and the radiant heat it produces will have you comfortably cozy in no time.
And of course, for girls like me there is a more hands-on old-fashioned way to warm ones self up during the frigid weather. Go annoy your Dom, cross a line, get a sassy attitude.....or if yours is as wonderful as mine you could bypass the naughtiness and just ask for a spanking. :) It takes a little longer than a couple of the aforementioned techniques, but it is by far the best. The heat builds as swats rain down covering your unprotected bottom and before long you'll be snug as a bug in a naughty lil spanko rug. :)
You're welcome.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
February 7th, 2015
I have always loved Chinese food.
And I even love the little cookies.
But now.......
I think I may feel oddly let down by fortunes I receive in the future. :)
Friday, February 6, 2015
No Sir.
It's not at all a bad thing.
Quite the contrary.
It's an amazing thing.
I actually get offended when I hear people use the term "sadist" in a derogatory manner.
I love your inner sadist.
The perfect match for my inner masochistic pain slut.
I relish my time with Him.
Dancing in the flames.
Captivated by the light flashing off of your dark expressive eyes.
Transfixed by the deep, low growl of your voice purring in my ear.
Satiated by the kiss and stinging bite of the implements you wield on my bare skin.
I am completely certain that your sadist is a good thing, Sir.
A very, deliciously, overwhelmingly, amazingly good thing.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
February 4th, 2015
I love how you care for me.
I love how fiercely protective of me you are.
I love how you guide me, teach me, discipline me, motivate me, mold me.
I love how you take care of me and always support me.
I love how you hold me, close to you and safe from the world.
I love the way you love me.
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